I have a small area off my apt and have to carry water, last year my plants got sun burnt
What to plant in concord ca. that the sun can not burn the leaves or will need much water?
Concentrate on Xeriscape's, which means drought resistance plants- In very hot climates, you could use a mix of flowering plants and shrubs. Due to the size of your area, try mixing Poker Plant (Kniphofia) with, blue star junipers, gold sword yucca and elijah blue fescue grass, a few large boulders (feather rock) is very light, and gravel instead of mulch- if you would like to share the size of the area, I can email you a sketch of the above plantings. Good Luck - www.aquaticgardensllc.com
Reply:Try cactus. They thrive on neglect.
A woman with a great cactus garden was asked how she did it. She said she subscribed to a newspaper from west Texas, and she watered the cactus when the paper reported rain in west Texas
Reply:Sunset Western Garden Book has a lot of information about container / small area plantings. They also have lists and lists and lists of plants that will grow well in Concord.
Be mindful of sun exposure when planting against a building. The amount of heat put off from a building can kill plants that would normally do well in that zone.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Indoor plant - need sun light or lamp lights?
Ok.. I know this is probably a stupid question.. but I just bought an indoor plant and brought it to work with me. It says "low light" is required, but I've had it for 2 weeks and it's not looking so good.. i think it's not getting enough sunlight. If I put it underneath a lamp at my work, will this give it the light it needs, or does it need to be specifically SUN light?
Indoor plant - need sun light or lamp lights?
Low light means.....less light. You are probably giving it too much light. Try putting it where there is less light further back into a room. Not to close to a window or skylight.
Reply:what kind of lamp
if it is the right kind it might be OK
what kind of plant
stores are notorious for labeling plants low light
when they really need quite a bit
but it is easier to sell a low light plant
if it is too close to an incandescent bulb it will get burned
fluorescent bulbs have some available light
there are gro-light bulbs you can buy that go into regular fixtures
Reply:instead of using the typical incendescent light...throw a cfl (compact floro light) in the lamp. They are the newer spiral lookin' bulbs...small plants love em and they also use less electricity. Last much longer as well.
Reply:You mentioned it's an indoor plant so why do it need sunlight.what type of plant is it.any pics will be helpful.
Indoor plant - need sun light or lamp lights?
Low light means.....less light. You are probably giving it too much light. Try putting it where there is less light further back into a room. Not to close to a window or skylight.
Reply:what kind of lamp
if it is the right kind it might be OK
what kind of plant
stores are notorious for labeling plants low light
when they really need quite a bit
but it is easier to sell a low light plant
if it is too close to an incandescent bulb it will get burned
fluorescent bulbs have some available light
there are gro-light bulbs you can buy that go into regular fixtures
Reply:instead of using the typical incendescent light...throw a cfl (compact floro light) in the lamp. They are the newer spiral lookin' bulbs...small plants love em and they also use less electricity. Last much longer as well.
Reply:You mentioned it's an indoor plant so why do it need sunlight.what type of plant is it.any pics will be helpful.
How to keep an "sun loving" plant alive?
I have a plant that likes sunlight but I want to take it to my office at work. The only problem is that I don't have any windows at all in my office. I do have a "lamp" that I can set close to it with a "UV" protection glass over it (which can be removed). Is there any way to keep it alive without direct sunlight or should I just leave it at home where it can get some?
How to keep an "sun loving" plant alive?
sweetie you can have your cake and eat it too ... take a cutting from the plant and start it growing so that you will have a "copy" of the plant ...take the start to work
go to walmart and get a plant light... you can find it in the hardware section where the lighting is... this is a special light that has one of those special bulbs just for plants... just make sure you place the light in a good place because your plant will grow toward the light... so if you have a potted palm put the light above it... for a vine it will not matter as the vine will grow toward the light where ever you place it...
this way you get to keep your plant at home and take it to work with you as well...
Reply:Well : if its Subtropical plant you can use an plainspray bottel
full of water were they need moist ! see http://www.subtropicalplants.com only those are best for office
have a nice Holiday Season ok ?
Reply:This is NOT the answer you want, but it may be necessary to choose another type of plant.
There are many beautiful plants from which to choose. I understand why a particular plant may be desirable. For sentimental reasons, I have favorites. But reality being what it is, specific plants need specific growing environments. Good Luck.
Reply:i would surely leave it hom and enjoy it longer.By a sunny window and hold the water awhile
Reply:leave it at home. a lamp will not substitute real sunlight unless it has a special bulb in it.
Reply:Why risk the plant if you really like it when you can find so many plants that are designed to do well with indoor lighting? I've included some information that may help you with that. Good luck.
Indoor Plants -
Cleaning, Fertilizing, Containers and Light Requirements
Indoor plants are widely used in homes and commercial buildings such as offices, restaurants and shopping malls. They help us stay in touch with nature and, in a sense, "bring the outside indoors."
Indoor plants may collect dust or greasy films that dull their appearance, making them less attractive. Clean leaves are favorable to healthy growth. Also, cleaning helps control insects and enhances the plants’ attractive-ness. Products that clean and shine leaves are generally not recommended because the waxy coating residue may interfere with air exchange. Never use these products on plants that have hairy leaves, such as African violets.
The best way to clean leaves that are not hairy is to dampen a soft cloth with water and wipe the lower and upper surfaces of each leaf. An alternative is to place the entire plant outdoors or in the shower to rinse it off. Plants with hairy leaves should not be dusted with a wet cloth but with a soft cosmetic brush. A pressure sprayer may be employed.
All plants require certain essential elements for proper growth. Indoor plants, in low light conditions of the interior environment, have reduced fertilizer requirements.
Observation will guide you in determining a plant’s fertilizer needs. As a rule, applications should be more frequent when the plants are in their growth stage(s). This is usually in the spring and summer when sunlight intensities increase and the days are warmer and longer. During the short days of winter, many indoor plants that receive little or no artificial light enter a "resting stage." If plants go into a winter rest period, do not give them fertilizer.
Frequency of fertilizer application varies somewhat with the vigor of growth and age of each plant. Rapid, new growth is often undesirable, as plants may outgrow their locations. As a rule, fertilizer applications should be more frequent when the plants are growing. Fertilize at the recommended label rate every two or three months, or dilute the fertilizer to about one-tenth the recommended rate and use this solution at every watering during the growing season. An alternative to these methods is to fertilize every seventh watering.
A complete fertilizer (one that contains nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) is an excellent choice for indoor gardens. Choose a balanced fertilizer for foliage plants, such as 20-20-20, and one that is higher in phosphorous for flowering plants, such as 15-30-15. These numbers represent the percents by weight of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer.
Fertilizers are available for indoor plants in liquid form, water-soluble granules and slow-release forms (granules, stick or tablets). Water-soluble fertilizers are often preferred because dilute solutions reduce the potential for fertilizer burn.
Soils that have a white film on the surface or pots with a white crust on the rim or drainage hole may indicate that the plant is being overfertilized and/or possibly overwatered. Salt buildup in the soil can lead to root damage, causing symptoms such as reduced growth, brown leaf tips, dropping of lower leaves and wilting of the plant.
The most effective way to prevent soluble salt injury is to prevent the salts from building up. Water correctly by watering the soil thoroughly and allowing the excess to flow out of the drain holes into a tray which is emptied.
Many types of containers can be used for growing plants. Most pots with bottom drainage holes are made of plastic, ceramic or clay, whereas decorative containers without drainage holes may be made of clay, ceramic, plastic, wood, copper, brass and various other materials.
It is important to choose the correct size container for the plant. Containers too small or too large present an unbalanced appearance. An appropriate container should provide room for soil and roots, allow sufficient headroom for proper watering, and be attractive without competing with the plant.
Two methods for potting indoor plants are: (1) planting directly in the container and (2) placing a potted plant in another, more decorative container ("double-potting"). When plants are potted directly in the container, the container should have a drainage hole and a tray to catch the excess water. If the pot does not have a drainage hole, place a layer of coarse gravel in the bottom to allow a space for excess water (it is important not to saturate soil in such containers). The "double-potting" technique can be used with decorative containers with or without drainage holes. The smaller, interior pot should have a drainage hole. If the decorative pot does not have a drainage hole, place a layer of gravel in this pot, and place the potted plant on the gravel layer. No gravel layer is necessary if the decorative pot has a drainage hole. Be sure to place a tray beneath the pot to catch the excess water. Never place pots directly in contact with the carpet, floor or furniture as moisture can damage its surroundings.
Clay pots are porous and allow air movement through the sides of the pot. This allows the soil to dry and oxygen to reach the roots. Nonporous containers prevent water from evaporating through the sides, thus, plants require less frequent watering than those in clay pots.
The environment in our homes dictates which plants will grow vigorously and which will suffer. The most important environmental factor in growing plants indoors is adequate light.
Light provides the energy source needed for plants to manufacture food. The amount of light is commonly measured in foot-candles (ft-c). The interior of a well-lighted home is often less than 100 ft-c, while outdoor light intensity on a clear sunny day may exceed 10,000 ft-c. Plants differ greatly in their light intensity requirements (see table). Indoor plants are often classified by the amount of light necessary for growth:
Low (minimum 100 ft-c, 75 to 200 preferred for good growth)
Medium (minimum 100 to 150 ft-c, 200 to 500 preferred)
High (minimum 150 to 1000 ft-c, 500 to 1000 preferred)
Very high (minimum 1000 ft-c, 1000+ preferred)
About 100 ft-c for 12 hours per day are necessary simply to maintain plant quality for one year, and at least 200 ft-c for 12 hours per day are necessary for foliage plants to manifest any benefit from fertilization.
With the exception of homes with a sunroom or greenhouse, few homes have areas with sufficient light levels to grow plants that require very high light (hibiscus, wax begonia, geranium). High light plants (weeping fig, English ivy, schefflera) can usually be grown well near windows or glass doors with western or southern exposures. Medium light plants (African violet, Boston fern, dumb cane) do well if placed within several feet of these light sources or in eastern exposures. Low light plants (peace lily, heart-leaf philodendron, cast-iron plant) can be placed several feet away from eastern exposures or in northern exposures. The amount of light at any given location will vary according to time of year (angle of the sun, day length), outdoor tree shading, window curtains and wall color (light reflection), as well as the location itself. Inexpensive light meters are available.
Artificial lighting is widely used to supplement or replace natural light. Many indoor plants grow well under artificial light provided by fluorescent lamps or special incandescent lights. A large variety of fluorescent lamps are available. Generally, ordinary incandescent lamps are not recommended for plants, as plants placed under them tend to stretch or become "leggy." It is possible to make up for lack of sufficient light by increasing the time or duration that the plant is exposed to light. Sixteen hours of light and eight hours of darkness are satisfactory for most plants. Use an electric timer to ensure the correct cycle each day.
While lack of sufficient light results in poor plant growth, too much light can also be harmful. Shade plants cannot tolerate excessively high light levels. When a plant receives too much direct light the leaves bleach or scald, sometimes dying. This often happens after moving a plant outdoors in direct light. Any changes in light intensity should be gradual.
Light requirements in footcandles (ft-c) for some common indoor plants
Low Light (100 ft-c)
Aglaonema commutatum Silver Evergreen
Aglaonema commutatum cv. Silver King Silver King Evergreen
Aglaonema modestum Chinese Evergreen
Aspidistra elatior Cast-iron Plant
Aspidistra elatior cv. Variegata Variegated Cast-iron Plant
Chamaedorea elegans Parlor Palm
Epipremnum aureum Golden Pothos
Epipremnum aureum cv. Marble Queen Marble Queen Pothos
Monstera deliciosa Split-leaf Philodendron
Sansevieria trifasciata Snake Plant
Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Laurentii Goldband Sansevieria
Medium Light (100 to 150 ft-c)
Aechmea fasciata Silver Vase
Asparagus densiflorus cv. Myers Plume Asparagus
Asparagus densiflorus cv. Sprengeri Sprengeri Asparagus
Asparagus setaceus Fern Asparagus
Aucuba japonica cv. Variegata Gold-dust Plant
Brassaia actinophylla* Schefflera
Brassaia arboricola* Dwarf Schefflera
Caryota mitis Fishtail Palm
Chamaedorea erumpens* Bamboo Plant
Chlorophytum comosum cv. Variegatum Spider Plant
Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy
Dieffenbachia amoena Giant Dumbcane
Dieffenbachia maculata Spotted Dumbcane
Dizygotheca elegantissima False Aralia
Dracaena deremensis cv. Warneckii* Striped Dracaena
Dracaena fragrans cv. Massangeana* Corn Plant
Dracaena godseffiana* Gold-dust Dracaena
Dracaena marginata* Red-margined Dracaena
Dracaena sanderana* Ribbon Plant
Fatsia japonica Japanese Fatsia
Ficus benjamina Weeping Fig
Ficus elastica cv. Decora India Rubber Plant
Ficus lyrata Fiddle-leaf Fig
Ficus retusa Indian Laurel
Gynura aurantiaca Velvet Plant
Hedera helix and cultivars English Ivy
Howea forsterana Kentia Palm
Maranta leuconeura cv. Erythroneura Red-veined Prayer Plant
Nephrolepsis exatata cv. Bostoniensis Boston Fern
Peperomia caperata* Emerald Ripple Peperomia
Peperomia obtusifolia Oval-leaf Peperomia
Philodendron bipennifolium* Fiddle-leaf Philodendron
Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium* Heart-leaf Philodendron
Philodendron selloum Tree Philodendron
Pilea cadierei Aluminum Plant
Pilea involucrata Friendship Plant
Plectranthus australis Swedish Ivy
Polyscias balfouriana cv. Marginata Variegated Balfour Aralia
Saintpaulia species, hybrids, and cultivars African Violet
Spathiphyllum cv. Clevelandi Cleveland Peace Lily
Spathiphyllum cv. Mauna Loa Mauna Loa Peace Lily
Syngonium podophyllum cv. Trileaf Wonder* Trileaf Wonder Nephthytis
Tradescantia fluminensis Inch Plant
Zebrina pendula Wandering Jew
High Light (150 to 1000 ft-c)
Aloe barbadensis Aloe Vera
Alternanthera ficoidea Joseph’s Coat
Aphelandra squarrosa Zebra Plant
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm
Cissus antarctica** Kangaroo Vine
Citrofortunella mitis Calamondin Orange
Coffea arabica Coffee
Coleus blumei Coleus
Cordyline terminalis Ti Plant
Crassula argentea Jade Plant
x Fatshedera lizei** Botanical Wonder
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese Hibiscus
Hoya carnosa** Wax Plant
Iresine lindenii Blood Leaf
Podocarpus gracilior Weeping Pododarpus
Polyscias fruticosa Ming Aralia
Rhoeo spathacea Moses-in-the-Cradle
Schlumbergera cv. Bridgesii Christmas Cactus
Sedum morganianum
Burro’s Tail
*May also be conditioned to grow in low light. **May also be conditioned to grow in medium light.
Excerpted from the South Carolina Master Gardener Training Manual, EC 678.
Reply:you can try the uv light, but it has to be left on all night and the office people most likely wouldnt go for that. its safer at home.
shoes stock
How to keep an "sun loving" plant alive?
sweetie you can have your cake and eat it too ... take a cutting from the plant and start it growing so that you will have a "copy" of the plant ...take the start to work
go to walmart and get a plant light... you can find it in the hardware section where the lighting is... this is a special light that has one of those special bulbs just for plants... just make sure you place the light in a good place because your plant will grow toward the light... so if you have a potted palm put the light above it... for a vine it will not matter as the vine will grow toward the light where ever you place it...
this way you get to keep your plant at home and take it to work with you as well...
Reply:Well : if its Subtropical plant you can use an plainspray bottel
full of water were they need moist ! see http://www.subtropicalplants.com only those are best for office
have a nice Holiday Season ok ?
Reply:This is NOT the answer you want, but it may be necessary to choose another type of plant.
There are many beautiful plants from which to choose. I understand why a particular plant may be desirable. For sentimental reasons, I have favorites. But reality being what it is, specific plants need specific growing environments. Good Luck.
Reply:i would surely leave it hom and enjoy it longer.By a sunny window and hold the water awhile
Reply:leave it at home. a lamp will not substitute real sunlight unless it has a special bulb in it.
Reply:Why risk the plant if you really like it when you can find so many plants that are designed to do well with indoor lighting? I've included some information that may help you with that. Good luck.
Indoor Plants -
Cleaning, Fertilizing, Containers and Light Requirements
Indoor plants are widely used in homes and commercial buildings such as offices, restaurants and shopping malls. They help us stay in touch with nature and, in a sense, "bring the outside indoors."
Indoor plants may collect dust or greasy films that dull their appearance, making them less attractive. Clean leaves are favorable to healthy growth. Also, cleaning helps control insects and enhances the plants’ attractive-ness. Products that clean and shine leaves are generally not recommended because the waxy coating residue may interfere with air exchange. Never use these products on plants that have hairy leaves, such as African violets.
The best way to clean leaves that are not hairy is to dampen a soft cloth with water and wipe the lower and upper surfaces of each leaf. An alternative is to place the entire plant outdoors or in the shower to rinse it off. Plants with hairy leaves should not be dusted with a wet cloth but with a soft cosmetic brush. A pressure sprayer may be employed.
All plants require certain essential elements for proper growth. Indoor plants, in low light conditions of the interior environment, have reduced fertilizer requirements.
Observation will guide you in determining a plant’s fertilizer needs. As a rule, applications should be more frequent when the plants are in their growth stage(s). This is usually in the spring and summer when sunlight intensities increase and the days are warmer and longer. During the short days of winter, many indoor plants that receive little or no artificial light enter a "resting stage." If plants go into a winter rest period, do not give them fertilizer.
Frequency of fertilizer application varies somewhat with the vigor of growth and age of each plant. Rapid, new growth is often undesirable, as plants may outgrow their locations. As a rule, fertilizer applications should be more frequent when the plants are growing. Fertilize at the recommended label rate every two or three months, or dilute the fertilizer to about one-tenth the recommended rate and use this solution at every watering during the growing season. An alternative to these methods is to fertilize every seventh watering.
A complete fertilizer (one that contains nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) is an excellent choice for indoor gardens. Choose a balanced fertilizer for foliage plants, such as 20-20-20, and one that is higher in phosphorous for flowering plants, such as 15-30-15. These numbers represent the percents by weight of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer.
Fertilizers are available for indoor plants in liquid form, water-soluble granules and slow-release forms (granules, stick or tablets). Water-soluble fertilizers are often preferred because dilute solutions reduce the potential for fertilizer burn.
Soils that have a white film on the surface or pots with a white crust on the rim or drainage hole may indicate that the plant is being overfertilized and/or possibly overwatered. Salt buildup in the soil can lead to root damage, causing symptoms such as reduced growth, brown leaf tips, dropping of lower leaves and wilting of the plant.
The most effective way to prevent soluble salt injury is to prevent the salts from building up. Water correctly by watering the soil thoroughly and allowing the excess to flow out of the drain holes into a tray which is emptied.
Many types of containers can be used for growing plants. Most pots with bottom drainage holes are made of plastic, ceramic or clay, whereas decorative containers without drainage holes may be made of clay, ceramic, plastic, wood, copper, brass and various other materials.
It is important to choose the correct size container for the plant. Containers too small or too large present an unbalanced appearance. An appropriate container should provide room for soil and roots, allow sufficient headroom for proper watering, and be attractive without competing with the plant.
Two methods for potting indoor plants are: (1) planting directly in the container and (2) placing a potted plant in another, more decorative container ("double-potting"). When plants are potted directly in the container, the container should have a drainage hole and a tray to catch the excess water. If the pot does not have a drainage hole, place a layer of coarse gravel in the bottom to allow a space for excess water (it is important not to saturate soil in such containers). The "double-potting" technique can be used with decorative containers with or without drainage holes. The smaller, interior pot should have a drainage hole. If the decorative pot does not have a drainage hole, place a layer of gravel in this pot, and place the potted plant on the gravel layer. No gravel layer is necessary if the decorative pot has a drainage hole. Be sure to place a tray beneath the pot to catch the excess water. Never place pots directly in contact with the carpet, floor or furniture as moisture can damage its surroundings.
Clay pots are porous and allow air movement through the sides of the pot. This allows the soil to dry and oxygen to reach the roots. Nonporous containers prevent water from evaporating through the sides, thus, plants require less frequent watering than those in clay pots.
The environment in our homes dictates which plants will grow vigorously and which will suffer. The most important environmental factor in growing plants indoors is adequate light.
Light provides the energy source needed for plants to manufacture food. The amount of light is commonly measured in foot-candles (ft-c). The interior of a well-lighted home is often less than 100 ft-c, while outdoor light intensity on a clear sunny day may exceed 10,000 ft-c. Plants differ greatly in their light intensity requirements (see table). Indoor plants are often classified by the amount of light necessary for growth:
Low (minimum 100 ft-c, 75 to 200 preferred for good growth)
Medium (minimum 100 to 150 ft-c, 200 to 500 preferred)
High (minimum 150 to 1000 ft-c, 500 to 1000 preferred)
Very high (minimum 1000 ft-c, 1000+ preferred)
About 100 ft-c for 12 hours per day are necessary simply to maintain plant quality for one year, and at least 200 ft-c for 12 hours per day are necessary for foliage plants to manifest any benefit from fertilization.
With the exception of homes with a sunroom or greenhouse, few homes have areas with sufficient light levels to grow plants that require very high light (hibiscus, wax begonia, geranium). High light plants (weeping fig, English ivy, schefflera) can usually be grown well near windows or glass doors with western or southern exposures. Medium light plants (African violet, Boston fern, dumb cane) do well if placed within several feet of these light sources or in eastern exposures. Low light plants (peace lily, heart-leaf philodendron, cast-iron plant) can be placed several feet away from eastern exposures or in northern exposures. The amount of light at any given location will vary according to time of year (angle of the sun, day length), outdoor tree shading, window curtains and wall color (light reflection), as well as the location itself. Inexpensive light meters are available.
Artificial lighting is widely used to supplement or replace natural light. Many indoor plants grow well under artificial light provided by fluorescent lamps or special incandescent lights. A large variety of fluorescent lamps are available. Generally, ordinary incandescent lamps are not recommended for plants, as plants placed under them tend to stretch or become "leggy." It is possible to make up for lack of sufficient light by increasing the time or duration that the plant is exposed to light. Sixteen hours of light and eight hours of darkness are satisfactory for most plants. Use an electric timer to ensure the correct cycle each day.
While lack of sufficient light results in poor plant growth, too much light can also be harmful. Shade plants cannot tolerate excessively high light levels. When a plant receives too much direct light the leaves bleach or scald, sometimes dying. This often happens after moving a plant outdoors in direct light. Any changes in light intensity should be gradual.
Light requirements in footcandles (ft-c) for some common indoor plants
Low Light (100 ft-c)
Aglaonema commutatum Silver Evergreen
Aglaonema commutatum cv. Silver King Silver King Evergreen
Aglaonema modestum Chinese Evergreen
Aspidistra elatior Cast-iron Plant
Aspidistra elatior cv. Variegata Variegated Cast-iron Plant
Chamaedorea elegans Parlor Palm
Epipremnum aureum Golden Pothos
Epipremnum aureum cv. Marble Queen Marble Queen Pothos
Monstera deliciosa Split-leaf Philodendron
Sansevieria trifasciata Snake Plant
Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Laurentii Goldband Sansevieria
Medium Light (100 to 150 ft-c)
Aechmea fasciata Silver Vase
Asparagus densiflorus cv. Myers Plume Asparagus
Asparagus densiflorus cv. Sprengeri Sprengeri Asparagus
Asparagus setaceus Fern Asparagus
Aucuba japonica cv. Variegata Gold-dust Plant
Brassaia actinophylla* Schefflera
Brassaia arboricola* Dwarf Schefflera
Caryota mitis Fishtail Palm
Chamaedorea erumpens* Bamboo Plant
Chlorophytum comosum cv. Variegatum Spider Plant
Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy
Dieffenbachia amoena Giant Dumbcane
Dieffenbachia maculata Spotted Dumbcane
Dizygotheca elegantissima False Aralia
Dracaena deremensis cv. Warneckii* Striped Dracaena
Dracaena fragrans cv. Massangeana* Corn Plant
Dracaena godseffiana* Gold-dust Dracaena
Dracaena marginata* Red-margined Dracaena
Dracaena sanderana* Ribbon Plant
Fatsia japonica Japanese Fatsia
Ficus benjamina Weeping Fig
Ficus elastica cv. Decora India Rubber Plant
Ficus lyrata Fiddle-leaf Fig
Ficus retusa Indian Laurel
Gynura aurantiaca Velvet Plant
Hedera helix and cultivars English Ivy
Howea forsterana Kentia Palm
Maranta leuconeura cv. Erythroneura Red-veined Prayer Plant
Nephrolepsis exatata cv. Bostoniensis Boston Fern
Peperomia caperata* Emerald Ripple Peperomia
Peperomia obtusifolia Oval-leaf Peperomia
Philodendron bipennifolium* Fiddle-leaf Philodendron
Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium* Heart-leaf Philodendron
Philodendron selloum Tree Philodendron
Pilea cadierei Aluminum Plant
Pilea involucrata Friendship Plant
Plectranthus australis Swedish Ivy
Polyscias balfouriana cv. Marginata Variegated Balfour Aralia
Saintpaulia species, hybrids, and cultivars African Violet
Spathiphyllum cv. Clevelandi Cleveland Peace Lily
Spathiphyllum cv. Mauna Loa Mauna Loa Peace Lily
Syngonium podophyllum cv. Trileaf Wonder* Trileaf Wonder Nephthytis
Tradescantia fluminensis Inch Plant
Zebrina pendula Wandering Jew
High Light (150 to 1000 ft-c)
Aloe barbadensis Aloe Vera
Alternanthera ficoidea Joseph’s Coat
Aphelandra squarrosa Zebra Plant
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm
Cissus antarctica** Kangaroo Vine
Citrofortunella mitis Calamondin Orange
Coffea arabica Coffee
Coleus blumei Coleus
Cordyline terminalis Ti Plant
Crassula argentea Jade Plant
x Fatshedera lizei** Botanical Wonder
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese Hibiscus
Hoya carnosa** Wax Plant
Iresine lindenii Blood Leaf
Podocarpus gracilior Weeping Pododarpus
Polyscias fruticosa Ming Aralia
Rhoeo spathacea Moses-in-the-Cradle
Schlumbergera cv. Bridgesii Christmas Cactus
Sedum morganianum
Burro’s Tail
*May also be conditioned to grow in low light. **May also be conditioned to grow in medium light.
Excerpted from the South Carolina Master Gardener Training Manual, EC 678.
Reply:you can try the uv light, but it has to be left on all night and the office people most likely wouldnt go for that. its safer at home.
shoes stock
What does it mean when any nutritional food you eat can be traced back to a plant and the Sun?
Any nutritional food you eat can be traced back to a plant and the Sun.
Can someone explain this for me? It is for my health class.
What does it mean when any nutritional food you eat can be traced back to a plant and the Sun?
plants take energy from the sun and convert it into sugars.
since we cannot perform this photosynthesis ourselves, we eat the plants to get the sugars... or eat the animals that eat the plants
Reply:sunlight is a key ingredient in photosynthesis, which is the plant making energy out of light, water, and carbon dioxide (CO2) to live. So now a cow eats the grass, so the energy from the sun went to the grass now to the cow, and you ate a hamburger, therefore the energy has been transfered from the sun, to the grass, to the cow, to you.
Reply:all food can be traced back to them because only plants can create energy from sunlight.
Can someone explain this for me? It is for my health class.
What does it mean when any nutritional food you eat can be traced back to a plant and the Sun?
plants take energy from the sun and convert it into sugars.
since we cannot perform this photosynthesis ourselves, we eat the plants to get the sugars... or eat the animals that eat the plants
Reply:sunlight is a key ingredient in photosynthesis, which is the plant making energy out of light, water, and carbon dioxide (CO2) to live. So now a cow eats the grass, so the energy from the sun went to the grass now to the cow, and you ate a hamburger, therefore the energy has been transfered from the sun, to the grass, to the cow, to you.
Reply:all food can be traced back to them because only plants can create energy from sunlight.
Can someone tell me the best trellis plant for direct sun?
I placed a trellis in my flower-bed and planted a Mandevilla to climb on it.The Mandevilla died in a few days I believe from the sun,but that plant said it was for full sun.I now have an empty trellis and not sure what to plant to climb on it.
Can someone tell me the best trellis plant for direct sun?
Try a honeysuckle vine it takes a year to really grow but well worth the scent it also will draw hummingbirds. Clematis vines there are differant types do a little research as to what you want like blooms once or two times a season, double blooms etc. Ive also had good luck with climbing roses again do a little research so you can pick the qualities you are looking for as well as climate, lenghth of season lows and highs in temps. Its all great fun Good Luck
Reply:We planted a star jasmine and it did great in full sun...and we live in California where it's really hot!
Reply:I love a hops plant they fill out wonderfully and grow really fast! Then for a bit of color I will plant an annual black eyed susan vine into it each year and you get the cheerful blossoms in the full green of the hops.
Reply:You can try annual vines like Sweet Peas or Morning Glories. You can also plant a Clematis or Climbing Rose. Before planting any of these, add organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure.
Reply:sunflower will do best.
Reply:hey there!
You want a big(!) something that is low maintenance? Try trumpet vine.
smaller but easier to grow than some? Try clematis
there are a few thousand choices depending on the spot, sun, soil, and zone... try out gardenweb.com 's hortiplex they are a plethora of useful info!
Reply:Mandevilla needs full sun...so maybe it needed more water? I have two types of Jasmine, and they rock %26amp; roll in the full sunlight. Climbing rose bushes %26amp; Honeysuckle does well too.
Reply:All good advice so far...I would add Bouganvillea to that list. But more importantly, make sure that the pH and friability of your soil is right for the particular plant that you finally choose.
Reply:The "best" plant for your garden is a personal choice, but factors such as the local climate play an important part in whether the plant thrives or dies.
All that being said, I'd recommend a kiwi if you're in a warmer area or a clematis for colder zones. Anywhere in-between is a good place for a climbing rose (e.g. "Joseph's Coat").
Can someone tell me the best trellis plant for direct sun?
Try a honeysuckle vine it takes a year to really grow but well worth the scent it also will draw hummingbirds. Clematis vines there are differant types do a little research as to what you want like blooms once or two times a season, double blooms etc. Ive also had good luck with climbing roses again do a little research so you can pick the qualities you are looking for as well as climate, lenghth of season lows and highs in temps. Its all great fun Good Luck
Reply:We planted a star jasmine and it did great in full sun...and we live in California where it's really hot!
Reply:I love a hops plant they fill out wonderfully and grow really fast! Then for a bit of color I will plant an annual black eyed susan vine into it each year and you get the cheerful blossoms in the full green of the hops.
Reply:You can try annual vines like Sweet Peas or Morning Glories. You can also plant a Clematis or Climbing Rose. Before planting any of these, add organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure.
Reply:sunflower will do best.
Reply:hey there!
You want a big(!) something that is low maintenance? Try trumpet vine.
smaller but easier to grow than some? Try clematis
there are a few thousand choices depending on the spot, sun, soil, and zone... try out gardenweb.com 's hortiplex they are a plethora of useful info!
Reply:Mandevilla needs full sun...so maybe it needed more water? I have two types of Jasmine, and they rock %26amp; roll in the full sunlight. Climbing rose bushes %26amp; Honeysuckle does well too.
Reply:All good advice so far...I would add Bouganvillea to that list. But more importantly, make sure that the pH and friability of your soil is right for the particular plant that you finally choose.
Reply:The "best" plant for your garden is a personal choice, but factors such as the local climate play an important part in whether the plant thrives or dies.
All that being said, I'd recommend a kiwi if you're in a warmer area or a clematis for colder zones. Anywhere in-between is a good place for a climbing rose (e.g. "Joseph's Coat").
How do you revitalize a sun burned house plant?
i put my water plant outside in the sun now the leaves are brownish, but the plant is still alive.what can i do to make the leaves green again?
How do you revitalize a sun burned house plant?
Once the leaves are brown, those leaves will never go back to green. Your best bet would be to prune those leaves off so that new ones will grow back. Once a leaf is dead/burned, it's not going to come back to life and "un-burn" itself...
Reply:I'd remove the burned leaves and keep the plant moist and away from more stress for awhile. It should survive.
Reply:take it to the plant doctor
How do you revitalize a sun burned house plant?
Once the leaves are brown, those leaves will never go back to green. Your best bet would be to prune those leaves off so that new ones will grow back. Once a leaf is dead/burned, it's not going to come back to life and "un-burn" itself...
Reply:I'd remove the burned leaves and keep the plant moist and away from more stress for awhile. It should survive.
Reply:take it to the plant doctor
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