Monday, May 11, 2009

My jade plant fried in the sun. I live in the desert with 115F. What can i do to save it?

Are the Roots still alive? If theyare alive, the Jade will survive, but you have to move it indoors, or atleast into the shade and you probably have to water it more often.

If the roots are dead, cut off any branches that are still green, or still have green leaves. Stick the ends of the branches into potting soil and place indoors. Water when the soil becomes completely dry.

Jades root very easily from cuttings. In fact, you can easily grow a new one from just one leaf.

My jade plant fried in the sun. I live in the desert with 115F. What can i do to save it?
keep it inside out of direct sunlight
Reply:Provided you plant is still alive, I would put it under some kind of shade. It doesn't need water all the time, only when the soil gets dry.

If your plant is dead, but you still have a little bit of green, take cuttings and put them in water or soil so they root, then put the new plants in the shade.

Even though they are warm climate plants, they can get burnt by the sun.
Reply:assuming it is not already dead, move to the shade and water. Keep it in the shade and check soil moisture daily. If dry, then water. Good luck!
Reply:Buy a cactus.

Or spray your plant with some Lysol, that works too.


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