Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am looking for something to plant in full sun, but a very wet area. No luck so far. HELP!!?

I have tried a pretty large peopny - died. A very full hydreangea - died (came back when I moved to another location) Tulip bulbs don't even peek through in this area. Any annual flowers have bit it here too. I prefer no hostas. Any ideas?

I am looking for something to plant in full sun, but a very wet area. No luck so far. HELP!!?
I think CATTAILS would be in order.
Reply:Lily of the Kings (Iris pseudacorus)

This really is an Iris of wet places... frequently found edging small ponds and streams or growing marshy areas. It is sometimes called Yellow Flag and is reputed to be inspiration for the fleur-de-lis heraldic symbol of French royalty. Some gardeners plant Lily of the Kings in a container of rich potting soil and place it directly into a shallow pond.

The following is a list suitable for planting in and around a pond:

Acorus calamus (sweet flag)*

Astilbe spp. (astilbe)

Butomus umbellatus (flowering rush)*

Calla palustris (bog arum)*

Caltha palustris (marsh marigold)*

Canna x generalis (Water canna)*

Carex spp. (sedge)

Eleocharis acicularis (spike rush)*

Eupatorium dubium (Joe Pye weed)

Equisetum hyemale (horsetail)*

Hibiscus moscheutos (rose mallow)

Iris ensata (Japanese water iris)*

Iris laevigata (water iris)*

Iris pseudacorus (yellow flag)*

Iris siberica (Siberian iris)

Iris vericolor (blue flag)*

Iris virginica (southern blue flag)*

Juncus spp. (rush)*

Leersia oryzoides (rice cutgrass)*

Lobelia cardinalis (cardinal flower)

Lobelia siphilitica (great lobelia)

Lysimachia clethroides (gooseneck loosetrife)

Myosotis scoparius (water forget-me-not)

Orontium aquaticum (golden club)*

Peltandra virginica (hardy arum)*

Pontederia cordata (pickerel weed)*

Sagittaria spp. (arrowwhead)*

Sarracenia spp. (pitcher plant)

Saururus cernuus (lizard's tail)*

Schoenoplectus validus (soft stem bulrush)*

Scirpus americanus (common threesquare)*

Spartina alterniflora (cordgrass)*

Typha spp. (cattail)*

Vernonia noveboracensis (iron weed)
Reply:You can also try alocasia and calocasia spp. these are commonly known as Taro or Elephant ears and the are nice and tropical looking. The foliage ranges from greens to pure black(spp. black magic) I tend to like the greens better they are hardy and fast growing the black are awesome too just a little more fragile.

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