Saturday, November 19, 2011

What flowers and flowering trees can I plant that will thrive in full afternoon sun?

We have absolutely No shade in the front of our house (we face the west) and we are in west Texas.

We get 10-15 mph hot southwest wind also.

We DON`t want cacti.

We DO however want something a little different than everyone else has i.e. Morning glories, wildflowers, honeysuckles, etc.



What flowers and flowering trees can I plant that will thrive in full afternoon sun?
One of my favorite flowers for full sun is the zinnia. They are hardy, bright and showy and very heat and wind resistent. They come in beautiful colors, too, and are great for cutting. Zinnias will grow very quickly from seed, so just scatter them lightly and evenly throughout the soil and keep it moist until the seedlings emerge.

Verbena is also very tough and heat tolerant and needs virtually no maintenance. It comes in very bold, eye-catching colors.

Good flowering trees for full sun (and old Southern favorites) are redbuds, magnolias, wild plum and dogwood. In Texas, the Wild Olive tree and Blackhaw do well, too. Both are smaller trees.
Reply:Trees - Crab Apple


Any Tropical Flowering Tree (As long as you can water it )

Flowers - Roses



Most any flower that can withstand any hot dry climates. (And again as long as you can water it.)
Reply:Petunias - full sun

dianthus- full sun

portulaca-full sun

inpatients- full sun

wisteria, tree- full sun

lilac- full sun

clematis, vine -full sun

good luck... i live in Illinois.. and all of these i have in full sun


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