Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do you plant begonias in the sun?

from this site...

Most begonias grow well in partial shade and in a moist, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. In general, begonias need bright light to flower well. Some will burn if the light is too intense. Bronze-leaved wax begonias grow better with full sun than other types.

I have the dark bronze leafed begonias in all morning sun and a few hours of afternoon sun and they do fine...need more water when there, tho...

Do you plant begonias in the sun?
They prefer afternoon shade or all shade. The direct sun and heat will kill it. Remember..water water water
Reply:NO! That would be a big mistake. Although they can take some sun, no more than an hour or two at the most, they thrive in the shade.
Reply:Mine have full sun in the morning and shade for the afternoon. They grow like crazy and bloom non-stop.
Reply:not really if anything a touch of morning sun, but the rest shade

Gta vice city mp question

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