Saturday, November 14, 2009

What plant grows well with low maintenance , little water , low sun and a dry climate?

Lantanna. It flowers in several different colors and you can't kill it. It grows fast and the flowers last most of the warm weather.

What plant grows well with low maintenance , little water , low sun and a dry climate?
Myrtle, Ivy, coarse flowery ground cover plants. I saw a bunch in the Park Seed Catalog this spring.
Reply:lichens do well; some succulants (they store their water in their leaves); for a tree, try a palo verde--they survive even in the desert; for a house plant, a plant known as sword plant or snake plant; will do well because it has a shallow root system and does well in low light.
Reply:Cactus! There are lots of different varities to choose from. You cant go wrong with cactus!
Reply:i like the cheffalair.easy to grow and i suggest the dwarf version.
Reply:Take a trip to your local craft store and invest in some realistic silk plants. You can stick them in the ground and no one will be the wiser...
Reply:the mould in my shower

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