Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have a wandering jew in the house (plant) that's not getting enough sun, will it survive/thrive if I put it


I have a wandering jew in the house (plant) that's not getting enough sun, will it survive/thrive if I put it
Oh My God! Will it ever!!!

I remodeled my house a couple years back and moved out for 6 months. I watered the yard very little while I was gone but, when I moved back in, I started watering regularly. Within a couple weeks, all these little green sprouts started coming up all throughout the planters. Within a month, it was like a flowing green waterfall of wandering Jews. They took over everything. I pulled them all out that winter, because they were just so invasive. Within months, they were back with a vengeance. The entire yard was covered with them. Last month, I ripped them all out again. And, they're coming back again.

Be careful where you plant it. It trails all over the place and where a branch contacts the ground, it sets new roots. And each of those pretty blue flowers sets out a batch of seeds that will sprout into new plants. It grows extremely fast and will crowd out all but the hardiest plants. It also attracts snails and slugs.

By the way, this was in full sun on a southwest-facing slope in San Diego.

Consider yourself warned.
Reply:depending on where you live, but put it on the south side and don't let it freeze.

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