Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What plants can take afternoon sun and the hot west sun?

My front flowerbed gets direct sunlight all afternoon and gets the hot west sun all evening. I'm looking to find some plants that are low maintenance and can handle that much heat and sunlight. Preferably not your basic shrubs. I tried crotons but the west sun is just too much for them. Any ideas?? Thanks!

What plants can take afternoon sun and the hot west sun?
I have a flowerbed that's in a "heat sink". It sits against a brick garage wall and is surrounded by pavement. It's like an oven in that flowerbed. Here's what I plant in it (not my own photos):

Lantana. Small shrub-type plant. Annual or perennial, depending on type. Many different colors. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sylvar/1330...

Moss roses (portulaca). Many different colors. Loves dry, dusty hot weather. http://www.pcmb.net/flowers/images/portu...

Gaillardia (Indian Blanket). Oklahoma's State Wildflower. Perennial. http://classes.hortla.wsu.edu/hort232/li...

All of the above require a little watering to get established, but after that you can pretty much ignore them!
Reply:Oleander is a plant that loves the sun and heat. They grow rampant here in Las Vegas. They flower in the summer. (I see mostly white and pink flowers) The maintenance required with Oleander is trimming. You have to trim down Oleander a few times a year if you want it to remain small. If you need it to fill a ton of space, then don't trim it.
Reply:I live in North Central Texas where temperatures can reach over 100 in the summer. I have lantana growing on the west side of my house, and it thrives! It requires little maintenance, is drought resistant, and a gorgeous plant. See this site for more info

Reply:Potulaca, petunias, geranium, salvia, celosia, sedum, daisy...

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