Saturday, May 22, 2010

What can I do to help my plant?

OK i Have a devil's ivy or sometimes it's called golden pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum) and its a very beauitful and normally perky lately the leaves are starting to be droopy. I put it in the window thinking maybe it was lacking sun light, I only water the plant from the bottom and I spray the the leaves and soil with a water bottle what else can be done or is there a reason why its doing this thanks for any advice.

What can I do to help my plant?
Pothos are big drinkers. Wiltiing is a sign of lack of water. Forget misting. Poke holes in the dirt and give it a drink!

Lift the pot:

Light = dry, aerate and water

Heavy = wet, allow to dry out

Roots out of the drain hole = time to repot.

Pothos root and will grow for years in nothing but water. Remove lower leaves = no smelly rotten vegetation

MiracleGro once a month. Removing the terminal bud will encourage bushy lateral growth.

Any Ivy can be tempermental at times. There are a couple of things you could try. Move your plant to a new location and not as much sunlight. Ivy tends to like some shade. I also agree to water from the top and let the moisture soak throughout your root system. You can also go ahead and feed it with some good quality plant food. Try these suggestions and see if they will work.

If you need any more help, please feel free to contact me at my website. I will link you to my site map, as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through and see if you can find some more tips that may help you. Good luck to you and have a great day!


Reply:If you have had it a very long time, there is a chance that it is potbound (the roots have pretty much replaced the soil and are growing too tightly in the pot) and it may need repotted into a larger pot. You will need fresh potting soil and a larger pot, not more than a couple of inches more across than the one you have now. When you repot it, work the roots loose with your fingers so they spread out a little.

You may not be watering it often enough, if the surface of the soil feels dry when you stick your finger in it, you may need to water it more often. It should feel just moist on the top of the pot, but not soaking wet.
Reply:i think it needs some water from the top of the plant that's why it is drooping try giving it some water from the top of the plant that should help.

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