Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why does a plant in the hot sun might wilt?

It gets dehydrated. The sun dries up all the water in the cells.

Why does a plant in the hot sun might wilt?
Water is drawn out of the plant through osmosis
Reply:some plants dont require direct sun light if any or it could be lack of water or bad soil seirosly try some day old coffee on it or coffee gruonds around it , ps do not heat up the coffee
Reply:Wilting is a defense mechanism. It allows the plant to expose less surface area to the sun, thus decreasing the rate of dehydration.
Reply:water loss due to transpiration

plants especially those with soft bodies rely on water to firm and strengthen themselves

under the hot sun all the water evaportates or rather transpirates and the plant can no longer hold it's self up

if your a guy think of the role blood flow plays in an erection... make sense now
Reply:more than one thing//// to dry%26lt;%26lt;%26gt;%26gt; to much water that would steam it%26lt;%26lt;%26gt;%26gt; some plants just won't last in direct sunlight
Reply:because it is getting dehydrated. moisture is depleated.
Reply:probably from being out in the hot sun, they need to be watered, and not when it is hot, usually in the evening on a hot day

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