Saturday, May 22, 2010

With tomatoe plants, does more sun mean more fruits?

the kinds of tomatoes i have are early girl and husky cherry tomatoes.

With tomatoe plants, does more sun mean more fruits?
The sun will help create a bigger tomato plant - and a bigger plant will develop more fruit! More sun will also help the fruits develop more quickly. Not enough sun will result in a spindly plant with less and smaller fruit. If your plant is looking green and lush and growing bigger, it is getting plenty of sun.

Tomatoes like an even amount of water - do not let them dry out completely, you will diminish your harvest as the plant tries to bounce back from dehydration! But don't drown them either!

They also will produce roots from any stem that is buried, so many people bury the stem up to the very top leaves (remove any leaves that will end up buried - and try planting the tomato on it's side - put the plant in the ground horizontally - leaving only the top leaves exposed (the top will start growing vertically towards the sun in a few days, and the buried part will develop an extensive root system that will support many more fruits).

Tomatoes also love heat - that is the reason to plant them horizontally where the dirt is warmer rather than deep where it's cooler). Good Luck!
Reply:They need to be planted in full sun areas.

If you cut off some of the outer leaves (after it's bigger), it will make lots of tomatoes. The little yellow flowers turn into tomatoes.
Reply:No, what does help, though, is when you plant them in the ground, you bury them 2/3 in. leave top 1/3 out. and keep them watered and don't use too much fertilizer as that only makes for lush foliage not fruit. but do keep them in the sun.
Reply:THe more sun the better with any vegetable. More FLOWERS more friut. Miricle grow or something like it is great as well as granualle fert too.
Reply:Number of fruits depends on extent of pollination. Very rainy season may make problems for insects to do their job.

Sun is good for growth if watering is sufficient.
Reply:Tomatos like full sun. Also, wait until tomatos start showing up on the vine to fertilize

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