Sunday, May 16, 2010

I need suggestions for a potted plant that receives full, direct afternoon sun and morning shade. Help.?

it would have to be drought tolerant. ..if it's for outside a succulent of some sort...for inside anything as long as you can draw some shade over the plant.

I need suggestions for a potted plant that receives full, direct afternoon sun and morning shade. Help.?
do you want to create one?

foliage or bloom?

i like coleus for the varigated foliage it grows in full sun to part shade.

Verbena have beautiful blooms that last until fall comes in a variety of colors, you will have to deadhead though.

Lantana are gorgeous too both are full sun.
Reply:Geranium, New Guinnea Impatiens, crysanthemum, alocasia, colocasia, azalea, there are lots. Foliage or flowering? Perennial or annual?
Reply:If it gets at least 4 hours of sun then you can look for a "full sun" plant. for pots I like to plant 3 types of plants. One trailing plant in the front of the pot. For full sun something like creaping jenny or ivy. A mounding plant like begonias, regular petunas, marigolds. And a taller plant like geranium or lantana. this way your pot will look very full with plants hanging over the side etc.
Reply:you have the plant getting the wrong sunshine. plants love morning sun. but the evening sun is hard on plants. unless its a heat loving plant.
Reply:If you'd like to try something a "Plumeria".

It's the Hawaiian lei flowering plant. Easy to care for, in a large enough pot only needs water every 5-6 days, branches

can be cut off and transplanted to start new plants, and

likes the sun.... Beautiful multicolored flowers. Lots of info.

on the web.....but, they are a bit pricey.
Reply:Any plant that likes full sun, and does well in a pot, will like those conditions. The biggest issue with growing in a pot is keeping it watering often enough. It's almost impossible to overwater an outside potted plant. It's easy to underwater.

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